There was once a People's Park. And then, a new one took its place as the old one was burnt down. The old one was more of a big place that had sundry shops, cloth, clothes and yes, it came alive with many restaurants and alfresco dining in the evening. There were "singing girls" to entertain. The new one was an HDB styled one, taking away all that atmosphere.
Now that new People's Park has become the old People's Park as the People's Park Complex (first shopping centre in Singapore?) and People's Park Centre took over as the modern shopping centres. After seeing its heydays as the only specialised retail cloth centre in Singapore and late night makan(food)-centre, this old People's Park is now under renovation. Come January, 2006, we might see a new People's Park. Will it be the same? Will it invoke an atmosphere of yesteryears or in the new millennium? That remains to be seen.
Chinatown is renewing itself, albeit at a rather fast pace.
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